Planetree Gold Certification

Nashwaak Villa received Gold Certification for Excellence in Person-Centered Care by Planetree International in October 2019.
This Person-Centered Care Certification recognizes the organizations achievement and innovation in the delivery of person-centered care. One of only 5 organizations in Canada and 93 organizations worldwide, Nashwaak Villa has proven to be small but mighty in becoming the smallest continuing care organization in the world to earn this prestigious award.
CBC story: Rural nursing home gets international award for person-centred care
True Doors
We were the second nursing home in Canada to install True Doors, personalized decals that help residents feel at home in a warmer and friendlier environment.
Intergenerational Program
Since 2016, Nashwaak Villa has been operating a successful intergenerational program.
The programs started with a summer camp for children aged 4 - 12 years old running through July and August.
Led by Nashwaak VIlla’s recreation team, including summer students, the first year of summer camp was a great success, so successful in fact that the camp attendees could not wait another year to come back to visit new friends (young and old) at the Villa.
The enthusiasm of the campers led to the creation of an after-school junior volunteer program. Nashwaak Villa now employs two junior volunteer coordinators (students from the local high school), who run afternoon programs with residents and junior volunteers aged 9 and up.
In addition to these programs, Nashwaak Villa has ongoing partnerships with two local schools. Recent collaborations include elementary students performing choir songs for residents, group fun and fitness programs with the local grade 2 class, and making wooden shelves with the high school shop class. These intergenerational programs at Nashwaak Villa offer so many benefits to both the youth participants as well as seniors living at Nashwaak Villa.
Seniors are given a sense of purpose and an enhanced quality of life with the great joy that comes from having children in the home, while youth participants are able to develop skills of responsibility and empathy. In addition to the individual benefits to both children and seniors, Nashwaak VIlla’s intergenerational programs have helped strengthen our community by bringing everyone together.
CBC story: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/stanley-nursing-home-camp-1.3715574
Bridging the Age Gap
Through the school year, we have regularly visiting junior volunteers who participate in activities with residents at Nashwaak Villa. We also host a summer camp for children that brings a great deal of excitement and joy to our community.
Celebrating 40 Years of Nashwaak Villa
To mark 40 years of excellence in providing care and quality of life to our community in Stanley, New Brunswick, we've embarked on a short fundraising and awareness campaign.
Being a person-centred home, at the heart of everything we strive for is our wonderful residents who call Nashwaak Villa home. So, when planning the celebrations and fundraising efforts around 40th anniversary, we felt it most important to invite the residents to become active participants. And boy, did they accept our challenge!
Introducing, for the first time ever, Nashwaak Villa’s “Pennies for our Thoughts Campaign- Celebrating 40 years of Wisdom from our Elders”. Enjoy a selection of videos highlighting reflections and wisdom from our residents - with guest appearances from a few other treasured community members from time to time. This campaign is meant to bring a smile to the faces of everyone who finds it (and likely a few tears!) and it is our sincere hope that it will allow everyone to understand just how blessed we are to do the work that we do, and learn from our wonderful residents each and every day.
If you would like to support Nashwaak Villa’s Pennies for our Thoughts Campaign, you can follow this link to make a contribution that is meaningful to you.
Videos can be found on the Nashwaak Villa Nursing Home Facebook page or Nashwaak Villa Nursing Home YouTube channel.